Picture Andre Maues Brabo Pereira
Associate Professor, IC/UFF
Ph.D., IfB/TUGraz, 2008
M.S., POLI/PEF/USP, 2004
B.S., FEC/UFPA, 2002

Short bio

Andre Pereira is an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Institute of Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Brazil. He holds a Dr. techn. (2008) degree in Engineering and Technical Sciences from Institut fur Baustatic (IfB) at Technische Universitat Graz (TUGraz). He worked as a full time research assistant at the same institution. In July 2008, he moved to Rio de Janeiro and took a position as research colaborator at PUC-Rio. In May 2010, he took the position of permanent Professor at UFF. Since then, he has been working on industry funded projects and has published around 35 journal papers. His research area is Computational Science and Engineering, and his current research interests include numerical computing, computational mechanics, digital petrophysics and computational modeling in material science.

Here you can find my publications, courses, and some other material related to my academic career. My detailed CV is available in Portuguese at Lattes Platform. You can also find more at ORCID and Google Scholar.

[ Courses | Publications | Products | Projects | Collaborators | Contact ]


I teach courses for graduate and undergraduate students on computing. I am currently teaching:


Quick visual overview of my main publications:


For more details:

Most of my publication are available on-line, but feel free to contact me if you want some of my papers that you could not find on-line.


In my view, a product is the core asset (development outcomes) of our research achievements. Here, I share the main products under development by our group:



Cases of success:


I have participated as coordinator (C) or member (M) of the following projects:


Supervision of doctoral theses, master dissertations, bachelor and research beginner projects:

Local collaborators:

Regional collaborators:

National collaborators:

International collaborators:


Rua Passo da Pátria, 156 - Instituto de Computação - Sala 530
São Domingos, Niterói, RJ, Brazil
ZIP code: 24210-240.